How to Manage the Activity Lifecycle Stages for Your Android App

How to Manage the Activity Lifecycle Stages for Your Android App

Apps can be tricky to handle from a programming perspective because they always exist in tandem with other apps and programs. This is normal...
Android 9.0 Pie

Remarkable Features of Android 9.0 Pie

One of the benefits of Google’s Android OS is the fact that it is constantly being upgraded. Google’s team is diligent in upgrading Android...
Android Featured Image

Building an Android App with React Native

Building a modern app requires modern tools. That’s why we have seen a trend in the usage of React Native. JavaScript frameworks, for example,...
How to Animate Your Android App's User Interface

How to Animate Your Android App’s User Interface

Users are, and have always been, drawn to visual elements of an interface, particularly when that visual element is something animated. There have been...

Write a program showing all the contacts in Android Programming

Explanation: The first thing to notice is that here we are going to use the phone’s data and for that we have to take...

Implementing Model View Controller

Hi !!! friends in this tutorial we will learn to implement Model View Controller. Model View Controller is a design pattern for android application . Model...
Android Studio

Introduction to Android Development With Android Studio

The most powerful way to build an Android application I have used this date is to build one using Android Studio. It is an...
6 Interface Screens to Know When Designing Apps for Android Auto

6 Interface Screens to Know When Designing Apps for Android Auto

In this day and age, everything is becoming more connected. Phones, computers, tablets, toasters, microwave ovens – everything's got an internet connection and every...

Implementing Radio Button

Hello friends!!! In this tutorial we are going to implement radio button. All we will do in this tutorial is on clicking the specific radio...

How to start an activity from another activity in Android

In our blog today you will learn to create a new activity from another activity. We have the main activity called as "". It...