
Learn How To Use Continuous Integration In Docker

Continuous integration (CI) is a software development practice, where developers integrate code immediately and testing happens on every commit before and after code merging...

Learn How To Test Docker Applications Part – 1

In the previous tutorials we have covered different aspects of Docker such as pulling images from repositories, running containers, managing images and containers, using...

Learn How To Use Docker Images Part 2

In part 1 of Docker images tutorial, we learned how to search for images on Docker hub and download them to a local machine....

Learn about Docker and its Main Components

Docker is an open source project created to help developers easily package their applications in containers. By using containers, developers are able to create...

Learn How To Parallelize Scala Programs Using Functions

Creating programs that run in parallel is difficult because of challenges posed by data races and deadlocks. These challenges arise as a result sharing...

Learn How Strictness And Laziness Are Used To Create Better Programs In Scala

In computer programming an evaluation strategy sets the rules that have to be applied when an expression is to be evaluated. Consider an expression...
Write Functions

Learn How To Write Functions In Functional Programming Style In Scala

When you write programs in a functional style it is a requirement that you use pure functions. To begin understanding the concept of pure...
Data Structures

Learn How To Use Functional Data Structures In Scala

In a functional programming style modification of variables is not allowed. The big question that comes to a programmer is what type of data...

Learn How Errors Are Handled Without Use Of Exceptions In Scala

Errors in code development cannot be completely eliminated. It is therefore necessary for a mature programming language to avail mechanisms for dealing with errors...
Data Structures

Learn How To Use Packages And Data Structures In Scala

Packages are units that are used to organize code. Entities that can be contained in packages include classes, traits and objects. Using packages has...