5 Small Ways to Make Your Classroom Run Much More Smoothly 

5 Small Ways to Make Your Classroom Run Much More Smoothly 

Being a teacher is one of the most challenging jobs in the world. Whether you are dealing with adults or children, you want your classes to be as smooth as possible with no interruptions or shenanigans. Classroom control is an art that is slowly dying. Teachers must know how to maintain a learning atmosphere from the beginning to the end of their classes. 

The following are small ways to make your classroom run more smoothly:

Define and Emphasize Class Rules

To have your classroom run smoothly, you should begin by defining and emphasizing class rules. You are the authoritative figure in the class as the teacher, and it matters little whether the students like you or not as long as they get to learn. However, you can include the students in the formation of the rules so they cannot defy the rules they helped create. 

Post the class rules in multiple locations around the classroom so the students can see them. Having the students recite or carry the class rules should also help them remember them.

Identify Distractions

Distractions are the biggest enemy of a classroom. You want students to focus on the lesson for the class duration. Therefore, you should identify any potential distractions as early as possible. Currently, smartphones are the biggest distractions, and you can have students put their phones in a plastic bin at the front of the class before the start of every class. 

Kids might also fight over items like water bottles, for example, so you can create custom waterproof stickers from StickerYou for all the kids’ water bottles, making it easy for each kid to retrieve their water bottles. Observe your students’ behavior, and you will soon find their biggest distractions.

Have A Plan For Settling The Class

Classroom control is all about behavior modification. Therefore, at the beginning of the school term or semester, you should develop a plan for settling the class whenever they get rowdy. In the early days, before things settle down, test out various techniques for settling the class down whenever there is angst. 

For example, you can clap your hands three times or raise your hand and wait until they respond. You will soon find the best methods to ensure the class is calm, and you should use them for the remainder of the term or semester.

Positive Reinforcement and Punishment

Another behavior modification tool you can use to ensure a smoothly run classroom is positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement involves offering students rewards whenever they exhibit the behavior you approve of. You can bring a box of candy, fruits, or tokens to give a student whenever they show positive behavior. 

It can be especially effective for things students may not want to do, like public speaking. On the other hand, you should punish negative behavior whenever it rears its ugly head. It could be as simple as sending students out of class if they make noise. Establish these behaviors early, and your classroom should always be well-behaved.

Create An Evaluation Sheet

As the teacher, you should take accountability for the behavior in the classroom. You should try creating an evaluation sheet where students can evaluate how the session that day or weekly lesions were. They can give you notes on where you can improve too. 

If students feel you value their input and will work to improve the class atmosphere, they are more likely to behave accordingly. Use the feedback to improve, making the class more engaging and ensuring its smooth completion.

It is tough always to have a smooth class, and it is primarily the teacher’s fault even though the students will cause most of the upheaval. You will have great classes all year by having a plan to settle the class, using positive reinforcement & punishment, identifying distractions, defining & emphasizing class rules, and having an evaluation sheet for feedback.

Also Read: How Technology is Changing the Modern Classroom?


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