Impact Of Web Development On E-Commerce (Infographic)

Web Development On E-Commerce

Web Developers have become the rock stars of this digital world. With the advancement of technologies, the demand for creating websites has significantly increased and with this, the need for skilled web developers has soared through the roof. This has also led to an increase in salaries all over the world.

Similarly, the E-Commerce platform is also growing at an unprecedented rate. Be it, children, millennials or even the old ones, everyone is using e-commerce platforms for one or many reasons. The reasons are simple… it is more efficient, makes it simple to find the right products, you can check the user’s review, it is less time-consuming and a few others.

Both Web development/designing & E-Commerce platform compliment each other. Ask any E-Commerce website owners, the majority of them will support the statement. Today, web development not only helps in accumulating all the sales for the e-commerce platform but also builds the reputation of the brand. Despite all the advantages, few mistakes made in web designing or web development can also lead to big losses. For instance, $2.6 Billion is lost each year because of the slow loading websites, & 53% of mobile users will leave a website if the loading time takes more than 3 secs.

So, let’s go and check out some other facts related to web development affecting an E-Commerce industry with this cool infographic.

png.web dev.infographics

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