TechnologyWays To Control VR Sickness

Ways To Control VR Sickness

It’s simple to conceive techniques to lower your chances of getting motion sickness in VR now that you know more about the factors that cause it.

  • Sit Down

Because sitting inhibits your body’s motions naturally, utilizing VR while sitting decreases the risk of becoming bewildered by your real-life movements and what you see in VR. Sitting down can help you maintain your balance, especially if you’re new to virtual reality.

  • Be Cool

One of the indicators of motion sickness in VR is feeling overheated or excessive sweating, so open a window or aim a fan at yourself while in VR. This will help you cool down and improve your air circulation, which will help with any motion sickness symptoms that may arise.

  • Avoid VRs with glitches.

If you’re having severe latency or difficulties when using VR, try resetting your headset and app, and if that doesn’t work, stop using the headset. Even the most seasoned VR users are more prone to suffer motion sickness when motions are choppy, unexpected, or generally glitch due to how confusing this may be for the body.

  • Choose the right headset.

If you’re prone to motion sickness in general, consider investing in a headset that will help you avoid motion sickness in VR before you begin using it. For example, 6DOF headsets can help you feel more orientated while moving your head or body in virtual reality since the virtual scene moves with you.

  • Gradually Increase the Time Spent on VR

Your body adjusts to motion sickness in the same way it adapts to other forms of motion sickness. If you spend a few days on a boat, your body will have been used to the environment by the time you disembark. The same is valid for motion sickness in VR. As your body becomes more familiar with the sensory input, it will adjust and become acclimated to it, and you will no longer experience motion sickness.

Increase your VR time gradually, for example, 5 minutes every couple of days for one week, then 10 minutes twice a week the next week, and so on. If you do 15 minutes at a time for a few weeks, you should no longer get VR motion sickness.

You’re not alone if you had VR motion sickness the first time you tried it, but don’t let that deter you from trying it again because it’s not worth missing out on all the VR fun! You may have experienced motion sickness in VR for various reasons, some of which are the creators’ fault and others of which are simply the consequence of your body adjusting to this new feeling.

Your body will progressively acclimate to being in VR as your brain and body develop a better understanding of what you’re experiencing.

Also Read: Review: All You Need to Know About Valve Index (VR Headset)

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