Video TutorialsWeb Development TutorialsA Brief Guide To Website Localization

A Brief Guide To Website Localization

English is just one of the numerous languages in use. In fact, based on statistics, English only represents about 25% of worldwide internet users. This means that over half of internet users have other native languages they use aside from English, including Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, and more. So, it’s safe to say that many websites, including yours, needlessly exclude a significant portion of their audience when it comes to marketing worldwide. 

Website localization is an excellent solution to avoid losing potential customers who couldn’t understand the language used on your website. This article shares the basics of website localization, its benefits, and what are involved. 

Website Localization: What Is It?

Website localization refers to the process of modifying existing blog posts, layouts, guides, and static pages that can help make users’ browsing experience more comfortable. 

In general, localization is often thought of as simple website translation. However, it’s more than just simply translating the website language. To improve user experience, website localization will need to give users a more authentic local feel as if the site originated from their region. 

Thus, you’ll have to consider several factors, including local slang, cultural nuances, religions, and more. It may also require changes in local address and date formats, predominant measurement conversions, and local currencies, especially for eCommerce websites. 

The Benefits Of Website Localization 

This section will talk about the numerous benefits of localizing your website.

  • Expanding Audience Reach

As of April 2022, statistics revealed that there were five billion active internet users. You’ve got a lot of potential customers out there. The problem is that only 1.5 billion people speak English natively or as their second language. That said, you should also consider that some of these 1.5 billion people would want to consume content in their first language. In addition, not all of the remaining native English users are remotely interested in what you offer. 

However, with website localization, you don’t have to limit your reach to English speakers only to easily increase your customer base.

  • Increase Brand Engagement

A successful business is accessible to its customers. The best way to build this image is by providing your users with the best website experience possible. Imagine how satisfied your customers will feel after you make the effort to improve their online experience, particularly if their language isn’t commonly found online. 

Now, as you build your image through a positive user experience, your customers are more likely to further their interaction with your website in the future. If a potential customer finds what they’re looking for and understands and connects with your content, they’re more likely to come back and even bring their close circle through recommendations and word of mouth. 

  • SEO Benefits

Website localization also boosts your SEO efforts. 

In an increasingly competitive digital world, the need for SEO relevancy is higher than ever. Businesses are now trying harder to find the best SEO keywords to continue to drive traffic to their website. 

In general, SEO keywords are most competitive in English, leaving other languages with significantly lesser competition. If you have a localized website, you open the door to rank with less competitive keywords in other languages, which helps drive more traffic to your website. Also, suppose you’re ranking well for SEO keywords in different languages. In that case, you see an increase in domain authority, which helps you rank better in the domestic language, supporting your overall SEO efforts. 

The Processes Involved In Website Localization

There are several steps to ensure a successful localization project and produce the best experience for the user. Here are the main processes involved:

  • Content Analysis

Doing a thorough analysis can help you better understand how long the localization project will take and what you’ll need. This is also where you create a defined roadmap for your project and analyze several factors to modify a website, including imagery, currencies, language, colors, and more. 

  • Website Translation

This process allows you to create a reusable structure of your site which you can modify with every target locality you need. It may involve separating as much source code from elements that may require localization in the future. 

  • Quality Control

A website localization process will include numerous quality control checks at key points in your project roadmap. It’s important to ensure the project’s quality and efficiency and to catch errors before they become more problematic. 


Website localization gives users a custom experience that suits their beliefs, cultures, and values better. So, if you’re planning to expand your reach to an international audience, investing in website localization can ensure the success of your business. 

Also Read: How Keyword Clusters Can Give An Edge In Your SEO Content Strategy


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