Improving Your Twitter Marketing Strategy!!

Improving your Twitter Marketing Strategy  

Twitter is a powerful social media tool that can significantly help you exceed your goals if used in the right ways. It has become one of the most important social networks and it is a necessity for all brands to have strong Twitter marketing strategies that will help grow their brands.

What Makes Twitter Unique?

Besides the fact that Twitter has more than 300 million monthly users, it is a great marketing tool for many businesses. It’s free to use and you’re able to share organic and paid content within seconds. Many organizations can also use Twitter to conduct a competitor analysis in order to know what strategies are being carried out. With Twitter’s functionality, it allows you to respond to customers and followers within seconds too. 

Some of the best social media companies in Dubai and even around the world make sure that they use Twitter to the best of their abilities. Here are some of the key things to keep in mind when restructuring or creating a brand new Twitter marketing strategy. 

Identify the right target audience

Creating a strategy that revolves around a specific target market is beneficial to any business. Creating content that targets your audience specifically will encourage them to engage with your brand and you can eventually turn these into sales.

Know the best times to tweet

Buffer has stated that tweets posted on Friday, Saturday and Sunday tend to have higher CTRs than those posted on other days of the week. However, the optimal times on Twitter can also depend on each profile, their followers and their country demographics. There are many tools online that can help you determine when your followers are the most active on the platform, and you can use this information to tweet at those specific intervals in order to maximize engagement.

Keep your tweets short

Twitter allows a maximum of 280 characters for each tweet and while this may be challenging for many, it encourages you to think out of the box and create shorter content that will catch more attention. It is advised to use anywhere between 80 to 110 characters, including hashtags and user tags.

Pay attention to trending hashtags

Using a hashtag that’s trending is one of the best ways to boost your tweets’ visibility. 

Make use of paid ads

Running paid ads on Twitter is another effective way to reach your audience as promoted tweets can expand your reach much quicker. Promoted tweets allow new audiences to discover your profile even if they don’t follow your brand. These promoted tweets will show up on users’ timelines who share interests with your current audience. The major difference between promoted tweets and regular ones is that promoted tweets are marked to allow for transparency.

Create Twitter lists

A Twitter list is an organized list of accounts that you’ve grouped together in specific categories. This allows you to engage with specific people if you happen to follow many accounts and constantly have a flooded timeline. You can also make private lists to keep track of your competitors! 

Engage with your followers daily

With social media in general, it’s important to create a two-way channel of communication with your followers and create content that they’re eager to engage with. It’s vital to engage with your followers and audience to build a good relationship with them and make your brand memorable.

Follow the competition

Tying into creating a private Twitter list to keep track of the competition, following competitor brands on Twitter and keeping a close eye out on them will ensure that you have the upper hand and implement campaigns or strategies that will push you ahead of the competition. Creating a private list just to watch competitors allows you to constantly keep track of their activity and stay up to date with trends 24/7.

Twitter can definitely take your company to new levels, provided it’s utilized correctly. Remember to build your strategies around trends and create content that’s engaging enough to make people want to interact with your business! 

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