Video TutorialsWeb Development TutorialsAngular vs React vs Vue.js - A concise comparison

Angular vs React vs Vue.js – A concise comparison

Angular, React, and Vue.js are among the most popular development tools. These frontend tools allow you to build high-quality user interfaces productively. These frameworks and libraries save you a lot of time while allowing you to develop high-quality outputs.

Angular, React, and Vue.js — all of these three technologies are quite popular nowadays. They are in great demand. But not all of them are the exact same. There’s so much difference. While a particular feature is present in Angular but it may not be there in React or Vue.js.

Some people are simply passionate about Angular while others are in love with React, and some other people are super interested in Vue.js.

In this post, I’m not going to tell you which one is better than the others. Rather, I’m going to give you a comparison. I hope you will find this article useful!


Before talking about comparison factors such as popularity, market share, and learning curve, let’s first give you a quick introduction to each of these tools.


Angular is a JavaScript framework for building mobile and desktop web apps. It has been developed by Google. This framework is an open-source MVC framework. With this framework, you can include JS code in HTMLcode. When you work with this framework, you work with the real DOM. It has support for two-way data binding. (To Learn Angular 7: The Ultimate Guide, Visit)

Its official site is: and the GitHub page can be found here.


React is a JavaScript library, not a framework, for building user-interfaces for websites. The React Native framework based on React can be used to develop mobile apps. This

component based

library allows you to insert HTML code in JS code. When you work with this library, you work with the virtual DOM, not with the real DOM. It has support for one-way data binding. (To Learn React for Professionals: The App building Guide, Visit)

Its official site is: and the GitHub page can be found here.


Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework using which you can make user-interfaces for websites. You can also build single-page applications with this framework. Its official site is: and you can find the GitHub page here.


Now let’s take a look at the popularity of each tool. Popularity tells a lot of things. When we say something is popular, we mean that it is in great demand, which means a great number of people are interested in it. Great popularity or people’s interest indicates that the technology is good enough. That’s the reason it has become popular. If it wasn’t good enough, it would not have been so popular.

Angular, React, and Vue.js — each of these 3 technologies are hot and trending obviously because people have found them useful. This is why these tools have been able to occupy a place in people’s heart.

As of writing this post, Angular has 44,005 stars, React has 118,986 stars, and vue.js has 123,906 stars on GitHub.

Let’s take a look at a chart now!

Angular vs React vs Vue.js
[Image source: Google Trends

Market share

Another very important comparison factor that you should look at is market share. Like popularity of a tool, market share also gives many hints about the product. When we see that a product has been adopted by really good companies, it’s a hint that the product may be of great quality. When smart people at hot companies use a development technology, this gives us a hint that the technology is a great one and that’s the reason why those smart people have chosen it.

Great companies will not use low-quality products. They always try to pick the best tools and technologies for their development work.

Angular, React, and Vue.js — all of these three frontend tools have been adopted by great companies.


Some successful web applications that are using Angular are Upwork, Freelancer, PayPal, Lego, Weather, Netflix, iStock Photo, etc.


Some successful web apps that are using React are Facebook, Dropbox, CodeAcademy, Instagram, Yahoo! Mail, Khan Academy, etc.


Some great websites that use Vue.js are,,,,,,,, etc. The market share of this framework is relatively small.

Learning curve

You can’t afford to adopt a technology if learning it requires too much time. If it takes too long to learn and master a frontend tool, your project will be delayed. The sooner you can learn, the better it is for you.

If you want to learn a frontend tool so that you can start an online business, you need to pick a tool that you can master pretty quickly. If it takes an extremely large amount of time to master a technology, it’s a huge disadvantage because the longer it takes to start your online business, the worse it is for you. Time is money, so if you’re delaying, you’re actually losing money.

Even if you want to learn one of these frontend tools so that you can get an awesome job in a software company, how much time it takes to master the technology is still important. The sooner you can finish learning it, the sooner you can start working as a frontend developer in a company.

So let’s see which framework or library is easy to learn.


Angular is undoubtedly one of the best frontend tools available today. But it’s not that much simple. This framework is kind of complex. So learning it takes a lot of time. I think you should not see it as a disadvantage because although the learning curve is steep for Angular, you can produce high-quality results quite productively using this amazing framework.


While Angular is not that much simple, React is a pretty simple library that you can use to build high-quality user-interfaces in a very productive manner. As it’s very simple, learning it doesn’t take much time. You can master it quickly. Although learning it takes relatively less time, it takes a lot more time to set up a React project.


Working with Vue.js is easier than Angular and React because, to be able to use Angular and React in your projects, you need to have great knowledge of JavaScript. But you can easily learn Vue.js as it’s pretty simple and doesn’t require much knowledge of JavaScript. Basic knowledge of JavaScript will be sufficient.

Community support

Support from the community of developers is necessary. The community of developers can support you in several ways. They can give support by working on the frontend technology to make it better. There are several developers who are working constantly to make such an open-source product a lot better.

Developers all around the world can support you by writing blog posts and tutorials on their sites. They can also support you by answering your questions on QA sites or by helping you fix your issues in your projects.

For these 3 frameworks, the community support is very good. But for Vue.js, there’s relatively a small number of tutorials because of the obvious fact that its market share is small. Because of a small market share, the knowledge sharing is not that much active.

Let’s take a look at how strong the community support is for each of these frontend tools.


As of writing this post, Angular has 804 contributors on GitHub. A great number of tutorials and blog posts have been written about Angular. When we search for ‘angular tutorial’, we get 5,63,00,000 Google search results.

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As of writing this post, React has 1,270 contributors on GitHub. For React also, an impressive number of tutorials and articles have been written. When we search for ‘react tutorial’, we get 9,57,00,000 Google search results.


As of writing this post, Vue.js has 240 contributors on GitHub. Like React and Angular, there are also many Vue.js tutorials and useful blog posts available on the Internet. When we search for ‘vue.js tutorial’, we get 1,71,00,000 Google search results.

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Pros and cons of Angular


  • One of the many interesting benefits of using Angular is that it lets you compile your code very fast, usually in under 3 seconds.
  • Angular lets you perform data binding easily through two-way data binding.
  • There’s a strong community support for Angular. A huge number of high-quality tutorials and blog posts about Angular are available.
  • Detailed and high-quality documentation.


  • Steep learning curve is one of the disadvantages of Angular.
  • Syntax coming from Angular’s first version is complex. But the later versions of the Angular framework have simpler syntax.
  • You may face migration issues while shifting from an older version of Angular to a newer one.

Pros and cons of React


  • Relatively easy to learn, when you compare it with Angular. The syntax is also pretty easy. So you can understand it easily.
  • Lots of high-quality React tutorials are available on the Internet. Plus, there are so many blog posts and answers available on the Internet, which have been written by React developers.
  • You can easily migrate your project from one version of React to another using “codemods” that automates many things in the migration process.
  • React is a very light-weighted library.


  • Setting up a React project is kind of difficult. It takes comparatively more time.
  • There are some minor issues with documentation. The official documentation is kind of difficult to understand, not very suitable for beginners.
  • Integrating UI into MVC is sort of hard. So it takes long time to master things like this.

Pros and cons of Vue.js


  • js is an extremely simple framework. It’s the easiest to learn among the three front-end tools. Only having a basic understanding of HTML and JavaScript is sufficient to work with Vue.js. In order to build with Vue.js, you don’t need to be a JavaScript expert. I think this is a huge advantage for many.
  • Detailed and high-quality documentation. The quality of the official Vue.js documentation is high. The official site provides many useful and informative help pages and tutorials, which make learning the framework a lot easier.
  • As Vue.js is very similar to Angular and React, you can easily switch to Vue.js from these frameworks / libraries.
  • You’ll get an amazing performance with Vue.js because of the fact that it’s extremely light-weighted.


  • Although it has a strong official documentation, there’s a small number of learning resources available for this framework, compared to Angular and React.
  • There is some deficiency in English documentation. As all the official learning resources are not in English, it becomes a little difficult for those who speak the English language.
  • js is too flexible. While it may sound that it’s an advantage, it can be a big problem whiling working with large projects and when multiple developers work on the same project.

Final thoughts

This article gave you a concise comparison between Angular, React, and Vue.js. To sum up, all these three frameworks are good and popular while all of them have their own advantages and disadvantages.

In this post, I have explained comparison factors such as popularity, market share, learning curve, and community support. Take a close look at these factors and understand that all of these 3 frameworks have pros and cons.

I hope you will find these comparison factors and the pros and cons useful while trying to decide which one you should use for your next project. To know which one will be the right fit for your work, you can also try them in your projects or in small demo projects. You may also know the opinions of developers who have worked with these frontend tools. If you have any questions regarding these frameworks, you can post them on QA sites. I think doing this will help you make a decision regarding which framework to choose.



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