Pros and Cons of Django Framework- Does It Match Your Next Project’s Requirement?

pros & cons of django framework

The first version of Django was declared in 2005 and is implemented in Python which is still on the market and gaining more and more users every year.

Django represents itself as “the web framework for perfectionists with deadlines” and it was designed to support Python developers to take applications from concept to conclusion as quickly as possible.

With no doubt, Django is the most famous framework in Python for building web applications because it uses the Model View Template (MVT) pattern, which is a somewhat modified version of the Model View Controller (MVC) pattern, in which the view operates more like the controller, and the template acts as the view. Such a solution gives a flexible way of dividing context and business logic – each layer has its own obligations.

In this article, you will learn why to choose the Django framework for your project and the pros and cons of Django.

Why Django?

You should surely check Django. It is written in Python and Python is amazing, clear, easy to learn, and one of the most learned programming languages. Besides this, Python is also a popular choice for:

  • Industrial Light & Magic (Example: Executed in Star Wars visual effects).
  • Game development.
  • Services like Pinterest, Instagram, The Guardian, and many more.

Without a doubt, the technology market is overflowed with frameworks, but Django is a great place to start as it has the most precise documentation and tutorials in software development. With its free and open-source, it makes the web development process very simple and the developer can completely focus on the designing process and enhance performance.

Thus, Django becomes an ideal tool for start-ups, where web design is needed, to bring out the real concept and aspects of the company.

Let’s move the discussion forward and talk about Django’s pros and cons.

Also Read: Why Getting Proficient in Django Is the Best Decision You Can Take Right Now?

Pros of Django Framework

Django Web Framework

1. Batteries Included Framework –

Django supports developers by accelerating the development process by including its own Object Relation Mapping (ORM) layer for controlling database access, sessions, routing, and multi-language support. Moreover, it also takes care of security while managing requests and includes an admin panel for handling model data by default.

2. Implemented in Python –

Since Django adopts Python, it leverages some of the fame and control of python to its own advantage. Python is probably one of the easiest programming languages to learn for beginners, and it’s also quite famous in basic computer science courses around the world.

Also, Python is very robust and is used in the implementation of scientific computations and high-level Artificial Intelligence.

3. Robust Security Features –

Django provides reliable security protection out of the box and contains prevention mechanisms for general attacks like SQL Injection (XSS) and Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF). To handle efficiently usernames and passwords, the user authentication system is the solution.

4. Scalable –

Django has been emerging steadily to allow developers to build better and modern web applications. Simultaneously, The Django developers can without much of a stretch change, scale, and extend the web framework by rolling out improvements to its detached components. They even have the choice to unplug or replace these components as assigned by the exact requirements of individual projects.

Therefore, Django has been made in such a way that it will be able to manage any type of hardware additions.

5. Fast Processing –

This benefit is adequate over other frameworks as Django’s Structure is different from all other frameworks in the industry.

It means Django uses MTV architecture which makes the whole process of conveying over the Internet simpler and quicker as the devices can be put on a CDN. Django server manages things pretty well, while also maintaining the Speed.

6. REST Framework for Building APIs –

Django REST Framework, commonly abbreviated “DRF”, is a Python library for developing APIs which has a flexible and customizable architecture that operates well for both simple and complex web APIs.

DRF comes with generic classes for CRUD operations and a built-in API browser for testing API endpoints.

7. Good for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) –

Django offers various useful SEO tools. Django provides a module called the Django SEO framework, which developers can employ to lower page loading time by using cached templates, compressing CSS, and JavaScript.

The capabilities of the Django CMS surpass the expectations of many professional SEO experts. With Django, you can produce readable website URLs and links using the most relevant keywords and SEO best methods.

Also Read: 5 Steps to Create a Powerful SEO Action Plan for Your Website

Cons of Django Framework

1. Relies on ORM System –

The ORM system provided by Django makes it simpler for developers to work with multiple databases and perform common database operations. Though, the ORM system used by the web framework does not have robust features given by other broadly used ORM systems. It does not allow developers to take benefit of the robust Python SQL toolbox entirely.

2. Not for Smaller Projects –

All the features of Django come with lots of code. It takes the server’s processing and time, which poses some difficulties for low-end websites that can run on even very small bandwidth.

Also, Django is scalable and makes the developer’s task easy. It means that Django has to give unique purposes and features otherwise what’s the difference between Django and other frameworks.

3. Lack of Convention –

In comparison to frameworks like Ruby on Rails, everything has to be clearly defined, which manages to configuration boilerplate that may slow down the development process. On the other hand, relying on configuration is a common method for the Python resource.

4. Django Evolves Slowly –

Django is huge and is regarded as a monolithic piece of software. This empowers the community to develop hundreds of reusable modules and apps but has also restricted the speed of development of Django. On top of that Django needs to preserve backward compatibility, so it evolves slowly.

5. Cannot Handle Multiple Requests Simultaneously –

Most web frameworks improve the performance of web applications by making each process handle multiple requests individually. However, Django, not at all like other web frameworks, does not allow individual processes to deal with multiple requests simultaneously.

Hence, developers have to explore approaches to control individual processes to deal with multiple requests proficiently and speedily at once.

6. Impacts Performance of Small Web Applications –

The effective features given by Django make it easier for developers to create large and complex web applications. However, the developers do not require some of these advanced features while developing small and simple web applications. The additional features even influence the performance of small web applications adversely.

7. Not Always the Perfect Choice –

You should always pick the best tool for the project at hand. Django may not turn out to be the right option for static one-page websites.

It was designed to create standard web applications really fast. It means that Django combines all the pieces required to compile not only for a CRUD app but also for more complicated web applications.

Final Thoughts –

After reading the pros and cons of Django, we can determine that Django is a very powerful framework but sometimes being more developer-friendly can also be a drawback. Even though Django doesn’t compromise on performance by giving you all those features, you just need to learn the right Django methods and how to execute them, unlike any other framework.

So, the Python developers must remember the exact requirements of every project while considering the pros and cons of Django to choose the best Python web framework.

If you liked this article, you should check out our Infographic on “Django Python Tutorial.

Also, if you are looking to learn the Django framework, then we have shortlisted some of the blockbuster courses that will help you a long way.

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