Software DevelopmentIs a Mac Good For Software Development? Mac vs PC in 2023 

Is a Mac Good For Software Development? Mac vs PC in 2023 

By definition, a computer is a tool developers use to do their work. But, it is actually more to a developer. The computer you choose is your companion, something you spend long hours on and use it to bring your ideas to life. If it doesn’t work as you’d want it to, it will cause you problems, delays and stress. This is why the choice of a computer for a software developer is one of the most important decisions you can make. 

When it comes to developers’ works, Mac delivers amazing results on all the important fronts – power, reliability and speed. So, if you were wondering whether or not you should use Mac for developers, the answer is definitely positive. Many professionals these days prefer Mac for app development for several reasons.

Of course, there are those who prefer PCs over Mac, too. There are some great perks of both choices, and to help you make the decision, we made a list of things to consider if you can’t decide if you should do coding on a MacBook.


software development

For many years, the OS has been the most stable tool for front end development. While it is still very popular for this, back end developers often find it exhausting and not stable enough for work. Why is this? As you probably know, Windows has endless updates and requires installers and drivers to run smoothly. Apple is simpler in this sense.

We aren’t saying that you will never come across issues with Apple, of course.  While Apple has a very comfortable keyboard and touchpad, users sometimes experience problems such as delayed responses or mouse crashing. Here are some reasons why your Apple mouse might stop working. Note that these are all fixable just like in Windows and the beauty of Apple is that, even if the system crashes, your data remains secure and saved for future use. 

Most Windows laptops have mechanical touchpads so when you press the corners, they’ll probably move. Apple is more precise with gesture support and the keyboard is comfortable to type on. 

Type of Programming

The next thing to consider is the type of programming or development you’ll do. Let’s put this simply. If you do programming for macOS devices, your best choice is a Mac device. The same goes for Windows. Before you choose a device, think about what your work will mostly be for. It’s much better to test the software on a tool that uses the same operating system. 

Battery Life

When it comes to battery life, Apple goes before Windows or Linux or other machines. At the moment, no one can compete with the silicon-powered MacBooks when it comes to battery. If you want a computer with long battery life, a MacBook will allow you to code for long, long hours. 

If we stop to combine its easy portability with the impressive battery life, MacBook is ideal for developers that work in different places or don’t want to be stuck next to a plug to do their job. If you work at the office or the same spot in your home all the time, this might not be important after all. 

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This is the part where Windows beats Apple – the price. The biggest drawback to Mac devices is the price. Even though there are some truly high priced laptops with Windows, too, you can also find more affordable options. This is not the case with Macs.

The majority of Macs these days cost around $2000, and if you are into programming, you’ll probably want one of the faster, more expensive options with better features. If you are a casual programmer, the more budget-friendly options might be enough. However, if you are on a low budget, Windows might just be a better choice for you. 

Supported Software

It’s not just about what you’ll develop – it’s also what you’ll need to get your job done. Windows is still the most used platform in the world, so keep this in mind when making your choice. It’s very important to see if you can use the programs you need on your Mac if you opt for this choice. 

Many of the tools today are only available on Windows. This goes both ways. Some tools are created specifically for Mac users, so if you pick Windows, this doesn’t guarantee that you’ll get what you need to get your job done. 

Yes, there are alternatives for tools in both cases – you won’t be left without the technology to do your job. Even so, if you make the wrong choice, you’ll need to switch tools and learn how to use the new technology, which takes time and makes your job more difficult. 

More Security

MacOS uses Unix, which is now a very big deal among developers. Unix is synonymous with security and stability. Many developers go for Macs exactly because of this – it is very secure against malware and viruses, minimizing the risk of them losing their good work. 

Unix-based systems are generally harder to exploit, and Apple has more extensive security measures in place. Surely, Windows has its measures too, and with some caution you shouldn’t experience troubles with it. 

Still, you can expect fewer technical glitches or crashes on a MacBook than on a Windows. The recovery partition on a Mac guarantees that your files will stay intact even when you need to reinstall macOS. 

Wrapping Up

In the end, the thing that will influence your decision the most is your personal preference. People who have been using a Mac aren’t comfortable with changing to Windows and vice versa. It’s hard to get accustomed to an entirely different operating system, and this can slow down your work at times when you need to be most productive. So yes, consider all these factors but in the end, you should go with your hunch!

Also Read: 11 Best Software Development Tools Every Developer Should Use


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