5 Tips for Programmers to Avoid Sleep Deprivation

    programmer, program, code, coding, laptop, computer

    Programmers are spending anywhere between 8-10 hours in front of a computer. Many of them are working late hours and even working late at night. Very few of them get enough exercise or eat healthily. This, combined with the stress that comes with the job, often leaves programmers feeling sleep deprived. If you too are facing sleep deprivation, here are 5 tips that we find helpful. 

    The 5 best tips that will prevent programmers from getting sleep-deprived

    • Get yourself a quality mattress

    Our first advice would be to treat yourself. One of the best ways to do that is to invest in a quality mattress. If you sleep alone, we would recommend getting a twin mattress that can save you both money and space in your bedroom. Having a quality mattress is essential for getting a good night’s sleep. And if you have a good mattress, you will be looking forward to getting to bed instead of staying up all night. Make sure that your mattress provides enough support for your spine which is a must after spending 8-10 hours sitting in a chair. 

    • Avoid napping in the middle of the day

    The next advice would be to avoid napping. Naps are a great way to beat that mid-day slump, but are they worth it? While naps can be quite restorative, they can also disturb our sleep later in the night. So, instead of napping, why not do some light exercise instead? 

    It may sound odd, but exercise has the power to boost your energy levels and mood. It can be just as effective and restorative as a 20-minute nap. And if this sounds like a bit too much, then a short walk outside would do the trick as well. Just make sure that you are staying away from your computer/TV and instead do anything that would help wake you up. 

    • Say no to sleeping pills

    Many of us have had their experience of using sleeping pills. It is only logical, after all, to reach for a sleeping pill during a sleepless night. This, however, is just as a bad idea as a nap are, perhaps even worse than that, considering all of the potential side-effects. 

    Sleeping pills may allow you to spend a whole night sleeping without waking up, but that is not the restorative sleep that you need. Plus, chances are that you will be waking up to feeling groggy in the morning. Instead of sleeping pills, try natural remedies such as lavender oil and chamomile tea. Even a hot shower before bed can help relax you and give you a couple of hours of sleep.

    • Caffeine is not your best friend

    We all like to start our day with a cup of fresh coffee. But continuing your day by drinking an endless amount of coffee is not an option. Not if you want to prevent insomnia and sleep deprivation. Even green tea can be harmful at this point since it does contain caffeine within it. Do yourself a favor and avoid drinking any caffeine at least six hours before bedtime. You can always enjoy herbal teas, water, and homemade smoothies to soothe your thirst. 

    • Have a calming bedtime routine

    Having a calming bedtime routine can help take some of the stress away. It can consist of any activities that you find relaxing. Whether it is yoga, exercise, showering, cuddling, etc., as long as it relaxes you, go for it. Keep in mind that playing video games and binging yet another Netflix show is not an option. Turn off your computer, TV, and phone and enjoy some “me-time”.


    Insomnia and sleep deprivation are often a part of a programmer’s life. Since programmers need to stay healthy, fit, focused, creative, and able to solve multiple problems as a part of their job, sleep is essential for them. And yet very few of them are actually sleeping enough. Some are not sleeping at all due to insomnia and end up feeling sleep deprived. We hope that these 5 tips can help programmers get a good night’s sleep.

    Also Read: 15 Habits Of Effective Programmers

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