Why Is Design Thinking Important In Digital Transformation?

Why Is Design Thinking Important In Digital Transformation? 

A successful digital adoption strategy for the process of digital transformation, needs to consider a technological solution and change existing mindsets. In other words,...
Best Technical Solutions- Why Your Company Needs Virtual CTO

Best Technical Solutions- Why Your Company Needs Virtual CTO?

Having virtual employees or virtual CTO is not something that is new right now. It has been available since the 20th century. There are...
What Causes Data Loss from NAS Devices?

What Causes Data Loss from NAS Devices?

Losing access to your precious data can be painful. But if you don’t have a habit of maintaining regular backups then you’re vulnerable to...
Why Big IT Companies prefer to open their R&D centers in Ukraine, programming, coding, servers, I.T.

Why Big IT Companies Prefer To Open Their R&D Centers In Ukraine?

Owning a big company brings many costs. Many companies try everything to lower those costs and receive higher profits. In the last decade, outsourcing...
IT Job, Internship, laptop, interview

How To Get Into The IT Field With Little Or No Experience

The field of information technology is continuing to grow in demand, which opens up a lot of potential career opportunities. While there is a...
Use of Drones in various domains

Use of Drones in various domains

Drones are making many things easier for humans and organisations globally. These advanced machines are involved with multiple operations in various domains. From exploration...
Creating A Metaverse Avatar

Creating A Metaverse Avatar

A long-distance meeting comes with a lot of limitations. No matter what type of medium you are using, you won’t be able to communicate...
educating the educators

Educating the Educators – A How To Guide!

Introduction Nowadays education is constantly changing with hours. Every student and teacher is competing with the race of the new technologies that offer so many...
The Most Effective Websites for Students- What You Can Learn

The Most Effective Websites for Students: What You Can Learn?

There is no denying that this day and age is a blessing for a modern student. Whereas kids back in the day had to...
blended learning

How Blended Learning Benefits Employee Training & Development?

Companies spend a significant amount each year on employee onboarding and training. While onboarding programs help in introducing the employee to the company culture,...