Best Technical Solutions- Why Your Company Needs Virtual CTO?

Best Technical Solutions- Why Your Company Needs Virtual CTO

Having virtual employees or virtual CTO is not something that is new right now. It has been available since the 20th century. There are just some companies that did not try it out immediately. There are a lot of ideas that are now centered around it. Remote employment has already started to become more common.

The fact that it has now started to become more popular has made more and more companies try it out. You may still be wondering what benefits you may possibly get when you hire virtual CTO. You need to be aware of the different advantages that you may get once you try it out.

The Benefits of Hiring Virtual Employees

Benefits of Hiring Virtual Employees

A lot of small to medium-sized businesses have already realized that virtual employees may be effective for them. This can be the best solution for them especially if they would need to hire different people who will provide the tasks that they are looking for. It can be more expensive to hire more in-house employees. Hiring virtual employees will be more cost-effective as they will be working on a specific remote job.

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Major benefits of Virtual employees are ass follows:

1. There is no need to offer a desk or other equipment

Those who will be working virtually will usually have their own equipment. They know that they do not have to rely on you to provide them with what they need. The virtual employees will also have access to different software that may be helpful for the type of tasks that you want them to do.

2. Workplace is going to be more flexible

You have to realize that work will always be in season. There are times when certain types of work will be more in demand with others. There are some that you would need in some months while there are also others that you would need in other months. You can just employ these employees whenever you need them which means that costs will not be too great too.

3. No need to pay for the work that they do not have to do

Unlike in-house employees that would require to be paid for every hour that they spend in your office, you only need to pay virtual employees for the work that they do. They can charge you a certain amount for the tasks depending on what you have talked about when you hired them. They will also be in charge of their own insurance and the other benefits that they may have.

4. There is a chance that you will find an employee that will be a gem

Once in a while, you will find an employee that will be a great addition to your company. This means that you can screen the possible employees. Then, you can hire one great employee for regular work.

5. You will have more money for other things that you need to spend for

Having a business is going to be hard. In the beginning, you can expect that money will be spent on so many things. You need to wait for some time before the money will come in. Getting virtual CTO services will allow you to have more money to be spent on other things that are important for the growth of your business.

4 Reasons Why Your Company Needs A Virtual CTO

4 Reasons Why Your Company Needs A Virtual CTO

There will also be days when your company will have some issues with keeping on top of the problems of the company. You need to be strategic and innovative so that your business can stay afloat.

There are various benefits of hiring a virtual CTO. By having a virtual CTO, you will have some experts that will provide you with the things that you need.

  • This can be ideal if you do not want to create your own in-house tech team. Having an in-house tech team can be more expensive.
  • It will also be ideal if you would like to create an additional tech team that will provide the needs of your business. There may be some day-to-day issues that you would like to improve. The virtual CTO will be in charge of the everyday issues.
  • Virtual CTOs will be in charge of making sure that your different systems will always be safe and will also be secure. They will also be very proactive which means that they will be in charge of monitoring, sharing some of their ideas, and so much more. They will do everything in order to improve your business.
  • They will also be in charge of providing customer support to some of your customers who will be contacting your company. There will be days when customers will have some inquiries at random hours. The virtual CTO will provide the customer support that you need.

CTO as a service will always be effective for a lot of businesses.

Cost of Virtual CTO in Different Countries

Cost of Virtual CTO in Different Countries

Countries Cost (Annually)
Ukraine $14,000
UAE $81,000
India $35,000
USA $150,000 – $165,000
Great Britain $110,000 – $130,000


Take note that a good virtual CTO should be competent. The virtual CTO should also have all of the qualities that will make sure that your technical systems will be effective. Based on the different rates that are available, you will know from which countries you can choose from.


Virtual CTO Conclusion

You have to remember that hiring an in-house CTO will always be more expensive as compared to having a virtual CTO. There are going to be some factors that will affect how much you would like to spend on. For example, the living cost of the virtual CTO will have an effect on the salary that you can offer.

Another thing that you have to think about is the different things that the CTO can provide. There are some virtual CTOs that will be able to offer more. Expect that they are going to require a higher fee as compared to those who are just starting out.

It will depend on you whether you would like to spend more money on someone who is more competent or not. Hopefully, the details that you have gathered will allow you to find the right virtual CTO.

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