Mobile ProgrammingLearn Mobile App Development with NodeJS and JSON

Learn Mobile App Development with NodeJS and JSON

Learn Mobile App Development

Good better best.

Never let it rest.

Until good becomes better and better becomes best.

I think BRENDAN EICH understood this instance wondrously. He created JavaScript in 10 days in May 1995.

12 million mobile app developers worldwide are developing apps mainly for Android, IOS, and Windows. Almost half focus their attention on Google’s Android (5.9 million), after which IOS (2.8 million) follows.

If you know how to cook using gas stove then, you do not need to know usage of induction or wooden stove. Alike, JavaScript has made your work easier. You can now create millions of apps using it.

JavaScript is high level, charismatic, untyped, object based and explained programming language. Whatever we see happening on website—the movements, the changes, the fades, and myriad of other animations—chances are that this functionality is written in JavaScript.

Pros of JavaScript over other languages
A lot of web programmers are familiar with JavaScript but not with other languages. People like server side JavaScript, because they don’t have to constantly change the language between server side and client side..

JavaScript is often the best bet when it comes to making a hard application or an easy one. It saves time, and money.

MEANING AND MOTIVE OF JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
JSON emanated from JavaScript programming language. It is a natural choice to use JavaScript in data format.

JSON transmits data objects using human readable test. It is data format independent. JSON helps store information in an organized manner making it easily accessible.

Websites are enhancing JavaScript to load data swiftly and asynchronously. If your app thoroughly consists of JSON, it can be served like any other data. And it can be furnished remotely from the cloud on demand.

The app logic no longer needs to be hardcoded on the device, and you can update it as much as you want just by updating your JSON on the server-side. Your app will be freshly loaded from the server every time you open it.

Cross domain issues are also conquered by JSON because of JSONP. It is used to bypass cross domain policies in web browsers.

Practice of NodeJS with JSON in mobile app development
NodeJS is an open source, cross platform JavaScript run time environment in order to frame the web standards architecture to knock off JavaScript code server side.

Also called as library of 100,000 free JavaScript modules,

It is ideal for mobile app development. It solves queries efficiently, allows creation of web servers and networking tools using JavaScript and collection of modules.

NodeJS is used for performing tasks such as automatically downloading courses from courser or even downloading torrents.

NodeJS is not only for web apps but for those who want to be rapid, adaptable and perceptible. Input/output services reduces developers cognitive coding leads. It gives you fine gained control over requests and responses.

GoDaddy, Netflix, PayPal, Walmart, Yahoo.

NASA also uses it “to build the present and future systems supporting spaceship operations and development”- according to recent tweets of COLLIN ESTES.

Conclusion: –
JSON and NodeJS ushers mobile app development into a new era that will make business and commerce platforms far more responsive. The future of mobile app development is going to be active, conscious, adaptive, compelling, productive, and cloud based.

I hope many more like BRENDAN EICH and RYAN DAHL will come and enrich us with more qualified and systematic products.


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