Big Data Solutions for Small Businesses!

Big Data Solutions for Small Businesses

Big data is becoming more useful each day. Using big data, companies can market efficiently, produce superior goods, operate effectively, and manage the whole company with ease.

To compete effectively in today’s world of business, small companies require the tools of large businesses use to manage data. This way, they can collect and evaluate the information before making decisions. Here are five solutions for small businesses.

Google Analytics

To assemble information, it’s not a must for small organizations to have costly software. They can begin with the asset they have, for example, a website. Google Analytics is a digital platform that does free analytics. With it, small companies get the tools needed to analyze the required data.

Google Analytics helps small businesses to extract long-term information to show trends as well as important data, and they will end up making the best data-driven choices.


Any small business wishing to enlarge their ROI should use Kissmetrics. It is a platform that helps organizations comprehend and analyze data as well as involve their clients depending on their conduct. With this platform, small companies can make, manage, and computerize the distribution of single short emails depending on the client’s behavior.

The developers have also come up with Ecommerce Kissmetrics that was created to enlarge the ROI on Facebook and Instagram to decrease the rate of abandonment for shopping carts.


SAS is a business intelligence software leading in organizations analytics, which changes your information into great insights that assist in making decisions no matter how small or large your company is. Small companies sometimes face similar problems with large businesses. With SAS, companies with few assets can achieve a lot with less.

SAS analytics assist the business to manage data well and make informed decisions, which eliminates the challenges that hinder growth. Hence, this solution can be trusted, even though it might have a small cost implication on the business.

Tropare Analytics Studio

It is a self-service analytics software with dynamic solutions for sales and marketing teams in all kinds of business setups. They get an array of tools to utilize whether they are in the field or back in the office. This business data solution enables the teams to have interactions with customers, collect data, and analyze it to make informed marketing decisions and marketing strategies. It is worth mentioning that the suite has highly interactive tools for you to utilize.

Clearstory Data

Clearstory data gives advanced information processing tools that clearly and comprehensively show data trends and patterns. It works by joining the company’s internal information with available data in public databases to assist the organization in making the best decisions. With it, they can make graphs or storylines.

Moreover, Clearstory data directly assist particular departments such as marketing with data that is customized for their operations. This platform accommodates a lot of small and medium enterprises such as retail outlets and restaurants among others.

Canopy Labs

Not only does big data solution help you make good decisions, but it also assists the organization in making predictions. Canopy Labs is a client analytics platform that makes use of the conduct of customers and trends for sales to give important information for campaigns taking place in the future. Using Canopy labs, the company can get all-inclusive information about the behavior of customers. With this, they can know which clients are profitable and how they can get them.

IBM Watson Analytics

Unlike many big data solutions that require technical skills to operate, IBM Watson Analytics is friendly to non-technical users, which is why it is useful for small companies that cannot afford data scientists. It makes basic but detailed data analytics, which includes predictions as well.

The platform is well equipped with tools that allow users to access databases, analyze data, and present it in a simple way that helps the entire organization make informed decisions. The departments that directly benefit from this platform include sales and marketing, financing, and production.


Many small companies might not have a lot of information in their databases. Hence, they need a platform that will help them collect data from surveys and studies. But this solution goes further than this; it helps users to analyze the data and get insights for making decisions in marketing and production, customer focus, employee management, and brand creation.


Data science is the reason why small businesses have found big data solutions. Small companies can function effectively just like larger enterprises. They can make the right products, predict the future, and overcome problems coming their way. But they need to embrace the right data solution tools like the ones we have discussed above.

Also Read: AI & Big Data for eCommerce, Retail and Energy Industry

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