BusinessWhat Are WebSockets? How Do They Work?

What Are WebSockets? How Do They Work?

If you’ve been around the internet long enough, you may have come across something called a ‘WebSocket,’ and you were left wondering what it is and how it works. Well, wonder no longer! You’re not alone. Many people are curious about WebSockets and what they do, so this guide will explain exactly what a WebSocket is and how it works.

What Is A WebSocket?

WebSocket is a communication protocol on the internet that allows for more direct interaction between a user’s device and a server. Developers often use it to create real-time applications, such as chat rooms or multiplayer games. In essence, it allows two devices to communicate directly with each other over the internet by establishing a persistent connection. This means that once data is sent from one device to another via a WebSocket connection, it can continue flowing back and forth without interruption until either party chooses to terminate the connection.

WebSockets were first proposed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) back in 2008 as an extension to HTML5 that’d allow for bidirectional communication over a single transmission control protocol (TCP) socket. In other words, servers could send messages to clients without having to establish new connections between their respective endpoints each time data needs to be sent or received. 

Today, WebSocket is supported by all major web browsers, making it a viable alternative to other communication protocols such as HTTP or FTP. Besides, developers can configure MQTT over WebSocket, both of which can be used to create robust real-time applications. If you’re a developer looking for a more reliable way to create real-time applications, WebSockets may be the solution you’ve been searching for!

How Are Websockets Different From Other Protocols?

If you’re familiar with HTTP or FTP, you may wonder what sets WebSockets apart from these other protocols. Here are some of the key differences:

  • Websockets Are Bidirectional

Websockets are game-changing when it comes to data connection protocols because of their bidirectional capabilities. Unlike traditional techniques such as HTTP Polling, WebSockets allow the server and the client to send information at any point in the connection. This removes the cumbersome process of ensuring data is synced. These ‘full duplex’ connections open up incredible possibilities for real-time communication between applications, so you can send and receive information simultaneously. This removes long waiting times and streamlines user experiences immensely, making apps easier to navigate and more engaging.

  • Websockets Use TCP

Another difference between Websockets and other data connection protocols is that they use TCP to establish the connection. Originally developed in 1974, TCP is among the most widely-used communication protocols on the internet today and is seen by developers as a tried-and-true way to ensure secure data transfer. Unlike other protocols, such as User Datagram Protocol (UDP), TCP establishes connections directly between two endpoints without routing through any intermediary servers or networks along the way. This means there are fewer layers of security to worry about when using WebSockets, making them a more reliable choice for many applications.

  • They Offer Enhanced Security Features

Security is another crucial advantage of using WebSockets to connect devices on the internet. As every single connection is directly between two endpoints, there are many fewer potential vulnerabilities that hackers or other malicious parties can exploit. 

WebSocket supports Transport Layer Security (TLS), a security protocol used most commonly for online banking and shopping sites. The TLS provides encryption for your data as it moves back and forth between networked devices to ensure protection of sensitive information while in transit. This makes WebSocket connections much more secure than older protocols like HTTP which doesn’t encrypt any communications sent across the wire.

With these differences in mind, it’s clear that WebSocket is a powerful tool for developers looking to create real-time applications. Whether you’re trying to improve your user experiences or simplify the process of connecting different devices, WebSocket offers a wealth of benefits for developers across industries.

How Do WebSockets Work?

Now that you know how WebSockets are different from other protocols, it’ll be best to understand how they work. To do this, take a closer look at the process of establishing and maintaining a WebSocket connection. It involves:

  • Establishing The Connection

The first step in setting up WebSocket connections is establishing the connection between two endpoints. This process begins when one endpoint initiates a request from its server, asking the other endpoint for permission to connect. Once the second endpoint approves, both devices send special handshake messages back and forth until they’re officially connected.

  • Making The Connection Robust And Reliable

Once a WebSocket connection is established, it’s essential to ensure it stays robust and reliable. To achieve this goal, developers can configure MQTT over WebSocket or use TCP keep-alive packets to maintain the connection and ensure no data is lost. Additionally, it’s also possible to set up load-balancing and fault-tolerance protocols to streamline the connection process and help prevent any downtime.

What Makes WebSockets Important?

The topic of WebSocket can be complex, and it’s essential to understand all the different ways it can enhance your applications. Some of the expected benefits that come with using WebSocket include the following:

  • Faster Data Transfer Speeds

The fact that TCP powers them makes WebSocket a faster choice for data transfer than other protocols, such as HTTP. This makes it ideal for real-time applications wherein speed and efficiency are crucial to ensuring a good user experience.

  • Enhanced Security Features

WebSocket also offers advanced security features that help protect your data from hackers and malicious actors. With strong encryption in place, you can rest assured that your sensitive information will be kept safe and secure as it moves across the internet.

  • Improved User Experience

WebSocket can help improve your application’s user experience by making connections faster, more efficient, and more reliable. Whether you’re building an online chat tool or streamlining communication between devices in a smart home, the benefits of WebSocket can help you create a better user experience for your users.

  • Low Bandwidth Overhead

Another significant benefit of using WebSocket is its low bandwidth overhead. This makes it an ideal choice for developers who want to streamline their applications without sacrificing speed or efficiency.


As you can see, WebSocket offers a wealth of benefits for developers looking to build real-time applications. Whether you’re trying to improve your user experience or streamline the process of connecting devices, WebSockets are powerful tools that can help you achieve your goals. So, if you’re ready to take your application development a level high, consider using WebSockets.

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