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Artificial Intelligence

What is an agency? is it the next business model after SaaS

n the ever-evolving world of technology, a new player has emerged: the AI agency. But what exactly is it, and is it poised to...

here’s how much an average prompt engineer makes in 2024 !

The world of AI is abuzz with a new breed of specialists: prompt engineers. These code whisperers craft the magic words that coax complex...
chatgpt for seo

Here’s How You Can Use ChatGPT for SEO

The world of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can feel like a complex beast, constantly evolving with algorithm updates and ever-shifting best practices. But fear...
openai updates

A Look at ChatGPT and OpenAI’s Vision in 2024

Imagine a language model that remembers your conversations, writes like Shakespeare on a good day, and even lets you chat with it using your...
chatgpt prompts

Pro tips on How to Level up Your ChatGPT Prompts in 2024!

Ever felt like your ChatGPT interactions are stuck in a rut? You throw in a basic ChatGPT prompt, it spits out some generic text,...
digital product

5 Easy Steps To Build Your First Digital Product with ChatGPT!

Have you ever dreamt of turning a fleeting idea into a digital product that solves a problem or fills a niche? The good news...
ChatGPT for marketing

ChatGPT for Marketing: The Future of Engagement is Here!

Remember the days when crafting marketing campaigns felt like throwing spaghetti at a wall and hoping something stuck? Those days are fading fast. Enter...
ai specialist

Become an AI Specialist: Your Guide to a High-Demand, High-Impact Career!

Imagine a world where machines can learn, analyze, and even create – that's the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and AI Specialists are the...
AI-powered jobs

ChatGPT Jobs: How Much Can You Really Earn?

The world of work is undergoing a fascinating transformation. Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer just science fiction; it's weaving itself into the fabric...
chatgpt coding

How Accurate is Code Generated from ChatGPT? A Detailed Overview

Have you ever wondered if an AI could write code for you? With the recent advancements in large language models like ChatGPT, the ability...