F Sharp

F# Programming Language: History, Benefits and Future Possibilities

Nescient developers might make the mistake of pronouncing the name as F ‘Hash’ but that will earn a few scornful eyes from the adept...
Haskell Programming Language

What is Haskell Programming Language?

Haskell programming language is polymorphic, statically typed, purely functional, and lazy with type inference. Too many jargons at once? Thought so! Not to worry. We...

Top 20 websites and apps built with AngularJS

AngularJS is a JavaScript framework by Google designed to create dynamic web apps. AngularJS is a complete solution for developing a front end based...
Website Footer

How to Build a Responsive Website Footer Using HTML and CSS

What is Footer? Footer is the bottom section of the document. It is located under the main section or body. The <footer> tag defines a...
Caching Strategy

Redis or Memcached – How to Select the Caching Strategy?

Nowadays, Information technology is key to any business application. And, the second most important thing is the performance of the application. Online space is...
Spread Operator

Spread Operator in JavaScript

Newer versions of JavaScript have brought improvements to the language in terms of expressiveness and ease of development and writing code. In this article,...
3D Slide Show

Building 3D Slide Show Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Herein, we are going to start building a 3D slide show which will be represented by a cube. Behind the cube, there will be...
angular performance

10 Tips to Improve Angular Performance

Angular is undoubtedly a high-performance framework that lets you build fast apps. But if you do not follow the Angular performance best practices and...

Memoization in JavaScript

Functions are fundamental parts of programming. JavaScript ecosystem, whether a frontend framework or library or, on the backend, use functions comprehensively. They improve and...
sass programming

Fundamentals of SASS

SASS stands for Syntactically Awesome Stylesheet. It is a CSS pre-processor, that assists to decrease recurrences with CSS, defines the style of document structurally,...