MarketingTop 20 YouTube Hacks To Fuel Growth: Digital Marketer’s Edition

Top 20 YouTube Hacks To Fuel Growth: Digital Marketer’s Edition

YouTube is often seen as one of the prominent social media platforms when developing a brand’s social media strategies. In fact, it is more than just a platform with tremendous marketing potential. 

YouTube is the second largest search engine globally, boasting nearly two billion active users, and approximately 500 hours of content are uploaded to the platform every minute. This makes YouTube video marketing a crucial undertaking that can significantly boost your business.

So, why not leverage the marketing benefits offered by YouTube? If you’re considering establishing a brand identity on YouTube, looking over all the essential elements to amplify your results is important.

In this article, we will explore some valuable tips for creating an effective YouTube marketing strategy.

20 YouTube Hacks to Fuel Your Marketing

Build Brand Channel

YouTube channel reflects your brand’s story and reflects your identity. Use your brand’s logo as the channel icon and create a customised banner that includes social media icons linking to your other platforms. In the About section, provide a precise and powerful brand description and include calls to action directing viewers to your website or other relevant pages. 

Consistency is the Key

YouTube marketing success doesn’t happen overnight, which is why you must engage your audience and showcase your brand’s story consistently through long and short-form videos. If you are a B2B brand, create videos that complement your website or blog content. Ask for customers’ reviews or comments and share their experiences on other platforms. Consistently posting videos gets you the most active audience.

Define your YouTube Audience

Before creating content, it’s crucial to understand your target audience on YouTube. Analyse the gender, age range, and location of your viewers. Consider their interests and the type of content they currently engage with. Utilise social media research, analytics, and social listening to gain insights into their problems, questions, and goals related to online video consumption.

Optimise Video Titles for YouTube Voice Search

To enhance YouTube SEO, optimise your video titles for voice search. As people rely on voice search to find videos quickly, ensure your titles appear prominently. Optimise your titles by using relevant keywords, keeping them short, simple, and conversational. By improving your YouTube SEO, you can increase your video views and reach a wider audience on the platform.

Optimise YouTube Video Description and Thumbnails

First impressions are crucial on YouTube, where users are presented with a vast array of content. A captivating YouTube thumbnail is essential in grabbing their attention and enticing them to click and view your video. Optimise your thumbnails with close-up images for better conversions and include attention-grabbing captions. Invest time in creating visually appealing and on-point thumbnails to attract more subscribers and engagement on your YouTube channel.

Add YouTube Stories to your YouTube Marketing Strategies

Following Instagram and Facebook, YouTube has introduced the Stories feature, enabling creators with 10,000+ subscribers to share short, mobile-only videos that expire after 7 days. Users can easily create and edit YouTube Stories, trimming them and adding filters, music, text, stickers, and video links. This tool allows creators to diversify their content, build stronger community relationships, and boost engagement on the platform.

Cross-promotion and Collaboration

Partnerships or collaborations play a crucial role in successful YouTube marketing campaigns. Collaboration exposes your brand to a new audience segment and gets you a wider audience. The key to cross-promotion lies in aligning values and personalities to avoid appearing artificial or forced.

Influencer Marketing Campaigns on YouTube

Three key benefits of influencer marketing are– reaching a larger audience, tapping into another creator’s skills, and diversifying your content. These benefits ultimately lead to increased engagement for your brand. Find the right influencers for your brand by conducting brand checks and assessing their skills, followers, content, and experience.

Invest in YouTube Ads

YouTube ad campaigns expand your reach, drive website traffic, and deliver personalised messaging. There are three types of YouTube ads– bumper ads, in-stream ads (both skippable and non-skippable), and overlay ads (banners or text). These ads should supplement and not replace your organic strategy. Set clear goals when running YouTube ads to maximise their impact.

Reach Larger Audience

With a vast and engaged user base, YouTube offers immense exposure and traffic potential. Consistently publishing high-quality content and collaborating with creators in your niche can amplify your reach. Moreover, YouTube’s availability in many countries and languages enables you to tap into an international audience. Features like auto-translated captions get you global viewers.

Improve Search Visibility

In addition to being a prominent search engine, YouTube can enhance your visibility on Google. Many Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) feature video carousels, with over 94% of those videos sourced from YouTube. By conducting keyword research on both Google and YouTube, you can select relevant topics, align with search intent, and optimise your videos for higher rankings on both platforms.

Conduct a Competitive Analysis

Analyse competitor videos to set realistic goals, benchmark performance, and learn from their strategies. Assess their posting schedule, audience engagement, video types, and thumbnail designs. Identify content gaps your brand can fill and capitalise on untapped video opportunities before your competitors catch up.

Create Quality YouTube Video Content
To rise above the vast number of videos on YouTube, create high-quality content that captivates and engages viewers. Research audience pain points, trending keywords, and practice social listening for video inspiration. Utilise good equipment, storytelling techniques, and invest in professional editing and post-production to make your videos stand out as polished and impactful.

Experiment with YouTube Shorts and Other Videos

YouTube Shorts is a powerful short-form video feature that capitalises on increased mobile usage. Leverage this feature to reach mobile-first audiences and drive engagement. Create up to 60-second vertical videos using built-in audio, text, and filters to make your content stand out.

Actively Engage with Audience

Interact with your audience by promptly and positively responding to comments on your videos. Address audience questions to provide assistance. Create interactive video content, such as live Q&A sessions, webinars, behind-the-scenes footage, and premieres, to actively engage with your audience in real time.

Monitor your YouTube Analytics

Leverage YouTube’s built-in analytics in YouTube Studio to track and evaluate video performance. Monitor metrics such as views, subscribers, watch time, audience retention, traffic sources, and devices. Gain insights into audience demographics and interests to understand which content resonates best with your viewers. 

Try Livestreaming on YouTube

Live streaming has gained popularity across social media platforms as viewers crave authenticity. The COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns shifted focus to DIY videos and a desire for relatable content. Live streaming allows brands to connect on a personal level, putting a face to the brand name. 

Have a Video Backlink Strategy

Backlinks, also known as inbound or incoming links, are when one website links to another. Incorporate backlinks to your videos in relevant topics on your website’s blog or guest posts. Focus on building trustworthy, popular, and highly valued backlinks that direct viewers to your website.

Add Links to Your Video Description

While not exactly a traditional backlinking method, adding links to your YouTube channel can be considered a form of link-building. In your video descriptions, include links for viewers to access additional information, part two of a series, or to direct them to your products, services, website, or current offers. These links help drive traffic and engage viewers beyond the video content.

Grow YouTube Channel by Uploading Links on Facebook and Instagram

Expanding your video presence beyond YouTube to platforms like Facebook or Instagram broadens your reach to a potentially interested audience. Include a subscription link in your description, bio, or caption to attract subscribers while exploring these alternative platforms. 


YouTube offers immense marketing potential for brands seeking to reach and engage with a vast audience. By implementing effective strategies such as optimising video titles for voice search, leveraging influencer partnerships, and utilising YouTube ads, businesses can maximise their visibility and drive meaningful results. 

To further enhance your digital marketing skills and stay ahead of the game, check out this comprehensive Digital Marketing E-Degree program by Eduonix, which provides deep insights into digital marketing and expands your knowledge in the ever-evolving digital landscape.



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