Setting up Jupyter Notebook- Featured Image

How to Set Up Jupyter Notebook and Other Specifications?

Jupyter Notebook refers to a web application which is open source. It is used for sharing and creating documents that comprise equations, live code,...
AI projects

Why Is Python Preferred For AI?

AI or Artificial Intelligence is becoming the litmus test for the future potential of a company. The technology is promising fruitful outcomes to any...

Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Maximum Likelihood Estimation often called as MLE, is used for estimating the parameters of a statistical model when certain observations are given. Before we start...

Clustering Similar Sentences Together Using Machine Learning

The growth of the Internet has led to an exponential increase in the number of digital text being generated. Analysis of the textual information...
Speech to Text Conversion

Speech to Text Conversion Using JavaScript

Speech recognition is a feature that gives us the ability to perform tasks using our spoken words as input. Speech recognition is gradually becoming...
Stock Market

Predicting Stock Market Pricing Using AI

For outsiders, the stock market movement may seem like an ocean with waves going up and down. Predicting stock market prices and movement is...
Amazon Inferentia chip

All we know About Amazon’s New Machine Learning Chip “Amazon Inferentia Chip”

“Artificial Intelligence is the new electricity” - Andrew Ng We are witnessing the unfolding of a golden era: The era of Artificial Intelligence. Questions like:...
Neural Network

Neural Network- Chronicles of Major Milestones

Nature inspires the inception of most of the artificial boons we relish in today. The Neural Network (a subset of deep learning) is no...
AI in space exploration

Artificial Intelligence in Space Exploration

There are always these prodigious steps in our evolution that wreak changes on our current way of life on a titanic scale. Be it...
Bitcoin Mining

Everything you need to know about Bitcoin Mining

It is no surprise that you have come across the term ‘Bitcoin Mining’. But the fact that you don’t understand anything about it is...