Perl (3) - Scalars

Learn about Scalar Variable in Perl Programming Language

In the previous article, we had a short introduction to Variables. The first of the three main types of variables supported by the Perl...

Learn about Pattern Matching using Regular Expressions in Perl

Using Single-Character Constructs In the last article, we have learned how to use the simple (literal) patterns. A pattern like /Ahmed/ will match only strings...

Find Out Top 5 Computer Programming Scholarships to Apply for in 2023-2024

Scholarships at universities are financial assistance that reduces tuition fees, accommodation, and other expenses. This could be a tuition discount or a monthly payment.  What...
Perl (9) - Arrays

Learn About Arrays in Perl Programming

Back again to variables. After talking about Scalars, the first type of variables, it is time to see the second one: Arrays. That will...
Perl (7) - Loops

Learn about For Loop in Perl Programming

In computer programming, Loop refers to executing a block of code repeatedly. So, why should we learn about Loops? Your manager has asked you...
Perl (4) - Operators

Learn about Operators in Perl Programming

After talking about the first type of variables: Scalars, it is time to know what to do with those variables. Ready to join us?!...

Learn about Managing Processes in Perl Programming

From your Perl code, you can manage programs running on your machine, including the Perl program itself. In this article, we will learn how...
Perl (2) - More Hands On

Learn the Basic Features of Perl Programming Language

After finishing the introduction and writing our first program, more hands-on are needed to get more familiar with Perl. In this article, we are...
Perl (8) - Loops

Learn about While Do-While and Until Loops in Perl

Welcome to part two of the Loops topic. After discussing the first two types of Loops (for and foreach), we are going to continue...
Perl (10) - Arrays (2)

Learn the relation between Arrays and Strings in Perl Programming

Welcome to part two of the Arrays topic. In this article, we are going to talk about the relation between Arrays and Strings. In...