
Learn about Piping and Input/Output Redirection in Red Hat Linux Administration

The default input method for UNIX and Linux commands is the standard input (keyboard). Outputs from these commands are directed by default to the standard...

Learn Using Command-Line Arguments in C++

Another way to provide inputs to programs is through Command-Line Arguments. If you are a UNIX/Linux guy, you should be familiar with arguments provided...

Learn How A Vagrant Environment Is Provisioned

In the last article we had learn how to set up a Vagrant environment article, we demonstrated how to install and configure a Vagrant...

Ubuntu vs Linux Mint – Which One to Choose?

Windows has been into picture since 1985 and is thus the most popular as well as the accepted operating system. The other most acclaimed...
C++ (8) - Loops

Learn about For Loop and While Loop in C++ Programming

Now, an important topic that we (as programmers) can't live without: Loops. So, bear with us, and read it, and you won't regret! Promise! What...

Learn How to Create and Manage Basic Partitions using the GUI Tool

“Everything in Linux is a file”. A rule we have learned very early, and we should always remember. But, how all these file are stored, and...
C++ (4) - Variables and Data Types

Learn about Variables and Data Types in C++ programming

In this article, we are going to start diving into the depths of the C++ language. Variables will be the subject of our today’s...
C# Tutorial (6) Ternary Operator and switch Statement

Learn about Ternary Operator & switch Statement in C# programming

In the previous article, we started to discuss the topic of conditionals and decision making in C#. We have learned the if…else statement and...

Learn Obtaining Help in Red Hat Linux Commands

The capability to memorize more information is not a measure for efficiency. The real efficiency is to know how and where you could get...

Learn Working with Files and Directories in Red Hat Linux

To reiterate, everything in Linux is a file. Files are stored in logical containers (actually, another type of files) called directories. So, we need...