Why Do Developers Use Confluent to manage Apache Kafka?

Why Do Developers Use Confluent To Manage Apache Kafka?

Any app that relies on data in motion, for ordering food online, doing online transactions, or streaming Netflix for your favorite shows, is more...
sass programming

Fundamentals of SASS

SASS stands for Syntactically Awesome Stylesheet. It is a CSS pre-processor, that assists to decrease recurrences with CSS, defines the style of document structurally,...
Installing Blackfire

Introduction To Installing Blackfire With Examples

Performance is now as important as features in an application. Most of the users will leave your app or website if it is slower...
React JS State Concept

Learn About The React JS State Concept

ReactJS is a popular front-end JavaScript framework which is powered by Facebook. Like other front-end frameworks, it is capable of handling the view layer...
JavaScript Syntaxes

Introduction to JavaScript Syntaxes

JavaScript is an interpreted and dynamic computer programming language which is widely used for web applications i.e. network centric applications. It is a lightweight...
Why do developers prefer Node for backend development?

Why Do Developers Prefer Node For Backend Development? 

When a company is offering its services to the users which are sometimes counted to millions of them, they have to make sure that...
Progressive Web Applications

Progressive Web Applications and It’s Benefits

Progressive Web Applications or PWAs as a popular abbreviation, are described as the best of both worlds. What it entails is that the application...
How to: Build a simple App in HTML 5

How To: Build A Simple App In HTML 5

What is HTML and HTML 5? Hyper Text Markup Language is referred to as HTML. Through the use of a markup language, it is used...
MongoDB: Featured Image

Why Should You Use MongoDB?

MongoDB, the leading NoSQL database of this decade is already downloaded over 40,000,000 and has 35,000+ GitHub repositories. Going by the numbers as well...
Protect Angular Code against Threat

Protect Angular Code Against Threat

As more and more enterprises undergo digital transformation given the need of the time, the IT infrastructure gets vulnerable to security threats. Technologies evolve,...