Tablets and Chromebooks

How Technology is Changing the Modern Classroom?

As we make new technological leaps every year, the way we complete tasks that were done the same way for decades is suddenly changing....
Tech conferences

Coronavirus Impact on Top Tech Conferences Around the World

The Coronavirus that is rampaging across all over the world may have a damaging impact on the Global Economy and Businesses. To date, the...

How Tech-Giants Are Using Technology to Fight COVID-19?

Now it won’t be difficult to digest the fact that COVID-19 or novel Coronavirus will not be going anywhere for some time. Since its...
To Keep Yourself Motivated in This Busy World- Featured Image

How You Can Keep Yourself Motivated In This Busy World?

In a time where Instagram has become the most used app, where people are constantly bragging about their achievements and are only interested in...
Programming Skills vs Academic Writing Skills

Programming Skills vs. Academic Writing Skills. What Should You Choose?

This is a tough question for many students who are trying to set a career path for themselves. While growing up, you must have...
Productivity Tools for Developers

Top 10 Productivity Tools for Developers Revealed!

Being a software developer comes with a lot of responsibilities, sleepless nights, deadlines, and work pressure. But thanks to our other fellow developers that...

Huawei Controversy: The Story Behind the Infamous Ban

Introduction The US and China have had some issues for some time now. As both continue their war to become the most dominant nations in...
Six Sigma vs Total Quality Management: Featured Image

Six Sigma vs Total Quality Management

Whether it was the Columbia shuttle disaster of 2003 or Toyota recalling its 1.7 million defective vehicles; both occurred due to the poor choice of...
IBM Story- featured image

IBM: The Epic Saga of Computer Industries

Prologue Before the name IBM came into existence, the organization was known as CTR Co. A new subsidiary of the 4 existing companies, CTR had...
Market share of Cloud Computing Introduction

Market Share of Cloud Computing and Future Prospects

Cloud Computing Introduction Cloud computing is defined as the delivery of computing services such as storage, servers, networking, software, databases, analytics, and artificial intelligence—via the...